The Earth belongs to Nhanderu

Kaká Werá talks about the principles of Guarani wisdom

On September 24, 2017, Instituto Caminho do Meio and CEBB promoted a meeting between several Guarani leaders from Rio Grande do Sul, with the presence of Kaká Werá, an important indigenous name and militant of the culture of peace.

On the occasion, Werá presented us with a detailed talk about the Ayvu Rapyta (lit. Base of Speech), the principles that guide the Guarani vision. Organized into four main topics (the earth is our mother, we are all relatives, hospitality and cooperation), the principles allow a deeper look into the vision that sustains the Mbya Guarani culture.

Today, April 19th, is not exactly a “celebration” day. The narrow and so often perverse place that we – culturally and individually – reserve for the original peoples of our country is increasingly explicit and has truly threatened the continuity of a way of life full of beauty and sophistication, as shown by Kaká Werá.

Today is the day to defend the wealth of the first people to inhabit our country, the complexity of their thinking and spirituality, the intoxicating art of their manifestations and their strategic role in preserving our ecosystems. It's a day to understand that without them, there is no future.

Kaká Werá's complete speech was transcribed and published on the Bodhisattva Magazine, and can be read here.
