Working with Traditional Communities

Among the positive relationships we aim to foster, we highlight those with traditional communities in Brazil: indigenous, quilombola, riverside communities, among others.

In their traditional ways of understanding life, the world and their own existence – rich in knowledge and culture – these people become valuable interlocutors, from whom we have a lot to learn. Thus, starting from a relationship of equality and a place of openness, we make room for a deep listening, building more bridges between the world of “white people” and these worlds that are often marginalized.

In educational and dialogue events, we always seek to bring the voices of this knowledge, which help us to shift our ways of thinking and enrich perspectives. In recent years, we have invited great indigenous leaders from the country, from different ethnic groups, such as Ailton Krenak, Daniel Munduruku, Kaká Werá, among others.

A Meeting between Maria Helena Espíndola (Griô and Quilombola) and Iracema Ga Rã Nascimento (Kujà Kaingang), during the 108 Hours for Peace 2016-17.

In Viamão (RS), we have developed a special alliance with the Guarani Mbya peoples, especially through our neighboring tekoá (villages), such as Tekoa Jatai'ty (Cantagalo), Tekoa Anhetenguá (Lomba do Pinheiro) and the village of Retake Guarani in Maquiné (RS), to Tekoa Ka'aguy Porã.

With regard to the latter, since the beginning, the ICM has supported the process of reclaiming land from the extinct Fundação de Pesquisas Agropecuárias (FEPAGRO), in the city of Maquiné.
