Health, Care and Well Being

The Buddhist concept of precious human life recognizes the rarity of each existence and the importance of care for well being. Thus, we believe that people, and not institutions, should have the leading role in their own health.

Communication to Transform the World

In times of political and institutional crisis, it is essential to remember that other worlds are possible – they are in fact being created in different places. We propose not only to help build them, but also to make them visible.

Working with Traditional Communities

Among the positive relationships we aim to foster, we highlight those with traditional communities in Brazil: indigenous, quilombola, riverside communities, among others.

Agroecology and Regenerative Practices

We understand that caring for the environment is not separate from caring for ourselves, that human sustainability practices should not be dissociated from environmental regeneration practices.

Education for Happiness

Education is perhaps the main vocation of Instituto Caminho do Meio – in fact, it is possible to state that all of the Institute's actions are educational.
